Although we have traveled abroad the last few years, this is the first time we would like to share our experience in a way that our readers can clearly enjoy our trip with us. Since we love to explore the cities we visit and take endless amounts of images, we’ve included a link at the end of each day that will take you to a gallery for further insight. Our inspiration? I started a journal of our trips, beginning with our honeymoon, four years ago. Each day I document our adventures so one day we will be able to look back and relive the many journeys we’ve shared together. On the last day in Brussels, while Michael and I looked back through the pictures, as we always do before going to sleep, and we realized the images captured the words I had been writing all along. We started flipping through the journal, and read different pages from various trips, clearly seeing images in our minds. Filled with excitement, we loved the idea of creating a visual journal that could also be paired with the details I had been recording. Our journey begins in Brussels.
Brussels | Day 1
We flew Delta for the first time. Besides the fact that we didn’t have our own individual TVs on the plane, and the food was horrid, everything else was perfect; direct flight, no delays, and we even both slept a little. Thank God we ate those sliders beforehand.
Waking up on the plane Saturday morning, I’m finally feeling better from my week of being sick. After going through customs, we left Zaventem Airport by express train to reach the heart of Brussels. We arrived at Central Station and took the metro to the Sainte-Catherine stop. We found our hotel and thank goodness our room was ready. We showered, napped, and explored. Despite having to read the map upside down (and ask tourists for directions when we first arrived), we saw many of Brussels’ sights and even shared a waffle with Nutella. Everything is in bloom, and it’s much warmer than at home… we are thrilled.
On our way to the hotel via Belgium’s Railway System: The SNCB .
The Atlas Hotel: A modern hotel situated between the Place Sainte-Catherine, Place Saint-Gréy, & the Grand Place.
Brussels’ Grand Place: The focal point of the city with its unified architecture and prestige.
The square draws many people and it is easy for Michael to capture tourists taking pictures of themselves.
Waffles Everywhere.
Rows of restaurants all around.
Le Lombard Café: Michael’s first Belgium Beer. I loved it.
Picking a place for dinner was difficult. We finally settled on Brussels Café because Michael was craving the big pot of mussels he saw people devouring. Our first challenge was reading the French menu. Did I mention everyone speaks French? Once the waitress realized we couldn’t respond to her questions, she brought us menus in English, phew! Michael wanted mussels and I wanted shrimp and french fries. Unfortunately, we were both disappointed because they said they were out of everything. Michael got stuck with some white fish soup that the waitress recommended, and I truly disliked my bland salmon with béarnaise sauce. I guess that’s what we get for going to dinner at 9pm. We frolicked around getting acquainted with our surroundings, and look forward to a good night’s sleep and better food tomorrow.
Brussels Café: First dinner in Belgium. Michael’s second beer, and the best part of the meal.
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